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Community / support / iOS in-app subscription doesn't seem to work
I have paid for one month, but I have not Ultimate version. When I am trying to “turn on background backup” I get a message “Background backup media requires Ultimate version” Money was paid.
Hi, Thank you for supporting the project and sorry for the issue that you experience. I am having difficulties looking up the orders on the Apple side in order to verify what's going, I am not sure if this issue is related to issue that you experience. I am sorry to ask, but is it possible for you by any chance to register an account: and then login to your app? I would then enable your Ultimate subscription via alternate billing before we resolve issue with the Apple Payment? Thanks !
Sorry, one more thing, can you click on Ultimate plan: so your account ends up added to the billing system. (edited)
Privacy friendly storage available for anyone. Privacy is one of the crucial human rights. We providing a generous package for free which is subsidized by paid users.
Can you also try visiting the About page and clicking the: "Restore purchases"? If you don't have that button, do you have the: "Upgrade" button?
These two buttons are inactive
2:45 PM
I need ultimate for this 🙂 How can we make it?
Please visit the Profiles page again, the Free plan shall change to Ultimate plan, I've activated 180 days trial before we solve the Apple payment issue. Can you please verify? (edited)
👍 1
Thanks, seems it works
Tom changed the channel name: iOS in-app subscription doesn't seem to work 2/19/2024 11:51 PM
Subscription related issues shall be resolved in 1.7.14 on iOS and 1.7.15 (macOS). Sorry for the troubles. (edited)
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